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Thursday, November 20, 2014

Staying Warm...

It warmed up  a bit yesterday & so far it's been fairly nice today.  Jacket weather, but still nice.  I'm not up to much today.  I'm a little worn out from yesterday.   But, for now, I'm inside & not planning anything for the rest of the day.

Yesterday, was my appointment with telemedicine.   It went predictably & well.  There are always the same questions & the same basics covered.    I really don't like going to these appointments.  They want me to talk about how I'm feeling. 

I want to tell them I'm feeling like a person of my age who was diagnosed late in the game as + & who has been HIV & on meds for nearly 15 years.  Sometimes I'm OK, a lot of times I'm not, rarely am I good or above.  That's just the way things go & I really don't want to talk about it repeatedly.  

They always act like they want to change my meds when I talk about anything.  I was told yesterday I'm the only patient they still have taking Didanosine.    There are only so many HIV drugs available & I don't want to run through any I don't have.  As long as my meds are working, leave them alone, thank you very much.

My top health issues at this time with HIV are:

  • Gastrointestinal issues - diarrhea, gas, nausea, discomfort bloating
  • Exhaustion - sometimes for days, others just out of the blue
  • Lack of focus or attention to things like reading or TV
  • Aches & joint pain
  • Alopecia & other sebum issues
There are other issues, but I'm not sure if some of my other concerns are HIV related or just getting older or both.  That is another problem, aging & HIV.   That just sounds lovely, doesn't it?  The gastro issues are nearly constant.  The exhaustion is fairly prevalent.  I used to be an avid reader, I haven't been able to focus & finish a novel in years.  The aches & pains make everything more tiresome & challenging.  Being bald would be 1 thing.   Having alopecia that leaves you with splotchy hair loss on your scalp, face & eye brows is another.  There's no way I could hide being ill from anyone for any length of time.

Those are the thing I deal with daily.  The things I'm tired of talking about with my doctors.  Those are just some of the more common things HIV brings into your life.  Look tempting?  Didn't think so.


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