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Sunday, November 9, 2014


It's been a few says since my dentist appointment, but some soreness still lingers.   There's a slight scrape on my gum right beneath the tooth.  That seriously smarts when the toothbrush gets near it.  My jaw is sore to the touch & there's been some swelling in my cheek.   Break out the Ora-gel & Sensodyne.  Or at least their generic knock-offs.

The worse part of it is that I've had a minor ear ache for the past 2 days.  It was fairly bad last night.  I  took some medicine for it right before bed.  I slept fairly well, but's it still slightly sore this morning.  It'll pass as my mouth recovers.

It's a fairly pleasant day outside.  Probably 1 of the last of the year.  It's supposed to start getting unseasonably cold here by Tuesday.  So much for nice, mild Fall.  That's all for now.


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