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Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Over It...

For the past several weeks, I've been receiving request to sign petitions against companies staying open on Thanksgiving (US).   I won't sign them.  I've offended people by telling them I wouldn't sign their petition.

I like Thanksgiving & I get people want to spend it with their families & friends.  But, still people have to work.  When I get these petitions they always pertain to retail stores staying open on the holiday.   They hardly ever, if ever, address other people who will be working on the holiday.   What about the people who work at gas stations, airports, service workers, cab drivers, emergency workers, etc...?  Are they supposed to take the day off as well?  I would hope not.

Before I was on disability I worked a lot of holidays.  I often choose to work them.  I had my reasons.  I could trade someone who wanted off & for another day I wanted.  I usually got paid a little more on the holidays.  Most importantly, I usually didn't have anyone to spend the holiday with.  So, by being at work, not only was I getting paid, I wasn't at home alone on a holiday with nothing to do.

There are a lot of people like I was then.  They need the $.  They don't want to be home alone.  They don't even celebrate the holiday in question.

Thanksgiving is about an ideal.  It doesn't have to be on any specific day.  If you work it, then celebrate it the day before or after.  Even if you do work it, will you be working all day?  

This about people who want to be catered to on their very specific terms over a holiday that has only been regularly celebrated for less than a century.  Why not be thankful for the fact these people actually have jobs to go work?  Why not be thankful these people can afford to celebrate the holiday due to the work they have?

That's my 2 cents on the matter.  I won't sign any petitions  against working on the holidays.  It's better to be working on a holiday & getting paid, than to be home alone bored out of your mind.


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