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Saturday, November 15, 2014

Another Saturday...

There isn't much going on here, besides being chilly.  It's not as cold as it'll get, but it set in so quick.  I'm not used to it yet.  The cats have dove under covers & only come out for trips to the box or to eat.  I don't blame them.

It's less than 2 weeks until Thanksgiving (US).  That doesn't leave much time in the year at all.  I remember when I would've been happy about that.  It would've meant the semester was wrapping up & I'd have winter break before things started up again.  I think the schedule is the thing I miss most about being in college.  It kept everything fairly predictable & paced. 

In my situation, days are days & things lack the significance they once held.  It makes it hard to get excited about much.  The  things I look forward to now are mostly artificial or arbitrary.   Nothing of  any real substance.  

I'm looking forward to this December.  The final chapter of the Hobbit will arrive. My roomie & I can go see it.  Then again, it's the final chapter, then what?  It's hard to keep coming up with traditions these days.  

Hell, I'm depressing on these matters now.  I'm not sure I can handle them as an old person.  I wanted to focus this year on building up my life & the things in it.  But, it seems all I've done is tried not to lose anything else.

I hope all your holiday plans are taking shape.  I wish for you a great holiday season, whatever it is you may embrace,  Whatever they are, may they bring you joy.


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