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Wednesday, November 5, 2014


I'm not in a very good mood this morning.  I'm still waiting for the damned plumber to come fix the toilet he didn't fix the 1st time.   Its just another thing about living in this old house.  You constantly have to keep an eye on everything.  It's tiring & stressful.

The 1st half of my crown replacement went well.  The drive over & back wasn't pleasant due to the rain.  I have to go back on December 2, to finish the process.

Today's trash day.  I'll get that out in a bit.  Too bad I can't put a useless plumber in it.  What really pisses me off about this, is I thought we'd found a dependable, local plumber.  Guess I was wrong.

I really don't have anything else nice or pleasant to say, so until tomorrow.


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