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Thursday, July 31, 2014

Until Next Time...

This is the last of July.  Midway through a very stressful Summer.  Most of the rough stuff was handled in June, but there was definitely some carry over into this month.  It has been the coolest July I can remember.  

July brought some good news for us as well, specifically for my roomie.  I'm hoping the rest of the year is just trying to get back to some of our more normal routines.  Many of my routines have bit the dust during this mess.  I need to get back to them.  

Here's hoping August is pleasant & easy.   I'm looking forward to the local kids going back to school.  I won't have to hear them during the day, a real perk.  August will be the last month of the year for me, then it all begins again in September.

Here's to a pleasant remainder of Summer for us all. So long July, it's be nice, weird, but nice.  Hello August.


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