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Saturday, July 19, 2014

Condolences & Complications...

This article details how at least 6  HIV experts & many others attending an AIDS conference were aboard the Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17.    It was shot down near or in the Ukrainian area of Asia.  There are many accusations flying as to who is responsible for this act.

While the who-did-it is important.  The immediate fact is these experts & whatever they may contributed to the world, their families & the war against HIV are now gone.  For whatever reason, whoever shot down MH17 further delayed & complicated the fight against AIDS.

Whatever ridiculous motivations these people had for gunning down a plane are irrelevant.  Nothing can justify downing a plane full of innocent people.   While I mentioned the HIV experts, it isn't to downplay the impact the deaths of the other passengers will have on the world.

That plane could've held the cure for many diseases.   It could've been transporting the person who would've led the world to a new power source some day.  Each & every 1 of these senseless killings destroys possibilities we will never know or understand.  

Good Journeys to all those who passed in that crash.


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