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Friday, July 25, 2014


My roomie's doctor delivered good news this morning.  In the doctor's opinion, further treatment at this time would not be necessary.   That means no more doctors for a while for her.  It means no radiation for now.  It also means no more constant trips for medical issues.  At least, in the foreseeable future.

This is great news.  My roomie is still dealing with fallout from the treatments she's already undergone.  All of these post issues are normal according to the materials she's been researching.   Still, they can't be fun.

I'm thankful for this news.  I'm astounded the doctor got back this quickly.  Of course, there will be follow ups, but that's to be expected post surgery & as you age.  

This is starting out to be a good day.  I hope everyone has a great weekend. 


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