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Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Early Stages...

I saw the beginnings of some interesting things today, but nothing seem far enough along according to the articles to make them viable for posting about.   I saw an article about using cancer treatment medications to flush out dormant HIV.  I've seen some on this before, but the articles were light & far too brief at this point.  
Another article showed condoms covered in an anti-viral gel that fights HIV, Herpes & other STD's.   There was 1 that further discussed genome editing to remove HIV from human DNA.  Again, interesting, but not enough substance to post on at this time.   

Still they're something to look forward to in the near future.  Articles like these always give me hope.  People aren't just sitting around waiting for the next thing to come to them, they're making it.  The researchers aren't just relying on traditional pharmaceuticals.  Med's have helped, but I don't think medications alone are going to end the fight with HIV.  

I'm curious to see what will come of these things.


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