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Wednesday, July 2, 2014

After The Rain...

It rained fairly heavily last night.  A good way to usher in July.  It seems to have calmed the allergens down  a little.  I definitely slept better.  

I'm expecting my meds to arrive today.  I'm surprised they wanted to ship this early.  I guess the upcoming holiday motivated that.  I'll just be happy if everything goes as planned. 

Friday is the 4th of July.  We'll do our typical thing & watch the fireworks from our porch.  We have a direct view of the city's show.   I used to really like fireworks, but now, they're just a temporary distraction I don't need to spend my $ on.  

I hope July treats everyone well & all the holidays go well for whichever ones you celebrate.   Best wishes for the month.  


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