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Wednesday, July 30, 2014


73 F is our high today & it's almost August.  This is messed up Summer weather.  We still have August & September to heat up, but it makes you wonder.  Will Summer ever really take hold this year?  If so, how long will it last?  What is Winter going to be like  following such a mild Summer?

I shouldn't complain, these temps are keeping the electric bill down.  The highest  temp on the 10 day forecast is 91.  We're only supposed to hit that twice, the rest of the time, we're supposed to be in the high 80's.

The perks are:

  • Lower electric usage
  • More rain
  • Better sleeping weather
The Cons are:

  • The grass is still growing & needs mowing ($)
  • The summer heat isn't killing off the bugs
  • Allergens aren't dying off either
Maybe fall will be more normal.


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