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Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Hurry Up, Now Wait...

My roomie got the ball rolling yesterday.   She started researching treatment places that were local.  It looks like there's only 1 potential option.  It might not work & she may still have to go to Tulsa for the treatments.  I hope not.  Now, she waits to hear what's going to happen.  

I'm happy she's being proactive on the matter..  She needs to get these treatments started in about a month.   There's no telling how long the waiting lines are for these places.  

I meet with my primary care physician in the morning.  Just a routine visit.  I hate having to go in every 3 months now, it's a hassle.  I don't like doctor's offices.  At least the appointment's early.

Well, trash is out & it looks like it might rain more today.  Once everything dries out again, the lawn guy will need to come mow again.  This has been a nice Summer, weather wise so far.  


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