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Monday, July 28, 2014

Temp Drop...

Yesterday, we neared the century mark on the thermometer.  Today, is supposed to be significantly cooler.  You'd think I'd be happy.  

I am happy it's cooler.  Still, somehow this temperature drop has left me tired & groggy.   It's like I didn't sleep enough last night, when I slept fairly well.

My body is never a fan of big weather fluctuations.  I'm not sure if that's the HIV, getting older or both.  I"m leaning towards the latter.  

We're looking at a couple of more day's in the 70's on the 10 day forecast.  That's so weird to see temps that low predicted for August.  Still, we have to get through August & September before the Summer heat will have past us.  This has been a very weird weather year.


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