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Friday, July 18, 2014

25 Below...

Yesterday, we were 25 degrees F below our average temperature for this time of the year.  It was rainy & overcast.  Today is looking about the same.  

I know it's weird to gripe about this in the Summer, but it's chilly.  My cats are huddling in towels. I've turned off the fans & closed the windows in my room.   Still it's brisk & damp.

That sucks for my feet.  This kind of weather, especially when it's sudden, is hell on my feet.  They've been warning me for days they could escalate into a full blown, gout flare-up at any moment.    I really don't need that.

Fine, weather,  you can stay cooler than normal, just not 25 degrees cooler & definitely not so wet.  This isn't April.  I've got to go handle some household things.


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