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Thursday, July 24, 2014

Maybe Good News...

My roomie's appointment seems to have gone well.  1st, if necessary, the place in Fort Smith can handle the high dose radiation procedures she needs.  That means no umpteen more trips to Tulsa.  Yippie! for that alone.

However, the doctor that saw my roomie didn't feel the treatments were actually necessary & may be an overcautious, preemptive course of action.  The doctor said she'd consult with some other experts & get back on the matter in a couple of weeks.  

Even if it does turn out the treatments are necessary, the doctor thought the number would be half of what my roomie was initially told.  This doctor would also want to to wait longer before starting the treatments.  That would most likely put us into September.  It might still be hot, but not as much as August.

The place was easy to access.  The people were nice.   It's relatively close.  There were a lot of perks.  

Hopefully, the doctor was right.   Maybe my roomie can skip this step.  That would be seriously good news.


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