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Friday, January 25, 2013

Cooling Down...

That applies to the weather as well.  But, I was mainly talking about myself.  Yesterday, the weirdness with my pharmacy left me more than a little frazzled.  I'm still not entirely sure if its fixed & I won't be until my order shows up next Friday.  I really hope this mess is worked out.  I seriously don't need to be worrying about my meds.

At least there was something good yesterday.  We tried a new-to-us place.  We picked up a couple of pizzas from Papa Murphy's.  I have to say they were better than anything else I can get in my area & beat the other places' prices as well.    Tried a standby, pepperoni & a store special, chicken parm.  I liked both but I don't really think the chicken added anything to the specialty pizza.  We'll probably try a vegetable pizza next time.

I'm doing my best to look at the good the day had to offer over the craptastic phone encounter with my pharmacy.


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