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Thursday, March 8, 2012


An article I came across was talking about new research into a familiar subject, a vaccine for HIV.  At this time it seems to be promising, but we've heard that before.  It's in the study phase & seems to have moderately decent results with the simian version of HIV (SIV).  

There are some things to keep in mind here.  This vaccine is still in the research phase & may never make it past that point.  That doesn't make the research worthless though, maybe the next study can jump-off from there.  This is working with simians & their virus.  Albeit we are similar, there are still a lot of differences between us & a monkey.  

If it does work, that would mean millions of people could be saved from exposure to HIV.  However, vaccines don't usually work retroactively.  Those people already infected would remain so.  That being said, a vaccine could mean lessened further spread of the virus.  Hopefully, this study will go well.


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