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Thursday, March 22, 2012

Resistance Is Deadly...

This article talks about a serious problem the rise of drug resistant HIV in the USA.   The study estimates that about 20% of the newly infected in the USA were carrying strains of HIV that were at least partially resistant to current meds.  If you consider it's estimated that 20% of the gay/bisexual male populations in metro areas are + & of those half aren't aware of their HIV status, this 20% resistance factor becomes a terrifyingly big problem.  Those numbers weren't including the rest of the LBGTQ community or other + people.

The reason for the resistance is possibly due to non-adherence to a regimen or unsafe sex with someone who is getting treatment.   The reasons are important, but even more so is the ever needed drive for making people understand that unprotected sex is dangerous.  If this resistance continues to build at this rate, there could come a point when no available regimens will work for anyone.  Say hello to the 1980's again.


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