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Monday, March 12, 2012

Treatment Impact...

It's been said for some time, that those who have been treated & have undetectable levels of HIV in their blood are less likely to transmit the virus to others.   This article takes that a step further.   There is now statistical evidence of the impact of treatment.   

The research collected from the KwaZulu-Natal province found that in areas where antiretroviral   therapy uptake is above 30%, uninfected people are 38% less likely to acquire HIV.

This African study shows not only does treatment aid the patient, it's also a preventative for the patient's community.  This is literally huge.  These meds are helping those people who need them & protecting those who aren't yet infected.  

There is no reason not to provide care for everyone diagnosed +.   I realize there will be the $ costs.  But treating those who are + now, may prevent incalculable numbers of others from later being infected & needing this kind of treatment.   This can not be looked at as a here & now thing, this is a matter for the long term & those kind of approaches must be employed in order to prevent & hopefully eradicate HIV.


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