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Saturday, March 10, 2012

Lying In Wait...

This article deals with a problem with treating HIV, latency.  Latent HIV can hide in certain cells in the body & remain dormant.  They are present even when the patient's blood work shows no discernible level of the virus.  The purpose of this dormant virus is so that it can reemerge once the threat to it has diminished.  In other words the patients are longer on the regimen or the regimen has begun to fail.

This study took patients that were in good condition & on a regimen.  These patients were given a drug normally used to treat lymphoma.  The idea was that this medication could lure the hidden virus out.    Within a short period, these patients blood work show much higher discernible viral levels.  This virus could now be treated.

The article states this isn't a cure, but it may be a pointing the way to a better treatment protocol for those living with HIV.  If all the virus can be made vulnerable & eliminated in the body, then it is possible that there is a cure in the foreseeable future.  This is great news.  It's wonderful to know this much research is actively underway to find a solution to HIV/AIDS.


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