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Thursday, March 29, 2012

Montana Outbreak...

This article details a current outbreak in  Missoula County, Montana.  According to their numbers, this county has had 12 new case of HIV in the past 5 months.  That's almost 50% of the state's annual transmission rate.  This article isn't about new methodology or treatment.  It's about the simple fact HIV is still here.  It goes on to make several points:

  • HIV is present in their local communities
  • Most HIV transmissions are via sex
  • Many infected are unaware of their HIV status
  • Many don't realize they've been exposed to a risk group
  • Only testing can reveal a person's HIV status

It goes on to say that condoms are a viable means of protection.  While true, condom usage only provides a means for "safer" sex, not "safe" sex.  We've heard these points before, but they bear repeating.  


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