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Saturday, March 3, 2012


+ people know that it isn't uncommon for a + person to also have Hep C or TB.  Now, research is showing treating ailments like TB & HIV in tandem is a better option.  The article shows that many people are being saved when their treatments are integrated.  Not to be rude, but duh!

HIV compromises your immunity.  Ailments like TB are much more apt to take hold in people with impaired resistance levels.   Again, not to be rude, but many of these ailments are also found in the same communities.  TB spreads via close contact, as does Hep C.  HIV & Hep C can also be spread in many of the same manners.  It would only make sense to test someone for all three.

My doctors have tested me for Hep C, Syphilis & TB.  They also watch for high blood pressure & elevated cholesterol levels.  Why?  Because it is common, or at least not uncommon,  for these ailments to present themselves in people who are +.  If screening for all these at the same time makes sense, then why wouldn't treating them simultaneously? 

At least the research is there to back up what should have been common sense.


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