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Sunday, March 25, 2012

Taking Point...

Today's post will be brief.  Not much new in the article world.  What is new, is the same old, same old, funding cut madness & horrid conditions in other countries.  I've decided to take a different course for today.

Over the last little bit, my roomie & I have been back at it clearing & cleaning the house.  We do our best to stay on top of things, but things don't always go as planned.  We're capable of minor repairs, like replacing toilet fill valves & the like.  Now, we are taking charge of our bug issue, specifically fleas.  

So far, they haven't been bad, but they'll get that way if we don't do something now.  We've opted to attempt to treat the yard ourselves this year.   Hopefully it will work, if not it's back to the exterminator.  But if it does work, that'll be at least $60 saved & a boost in self-confidence.  

The point is that we are at least trying to do things ourselves.  It may be a total flop, but we tried.  We are trying to exert more control over our lives instead of just flitting willy-nilly in the wind, letting whatever happens, happen.  We have a few tasks on our agenda & I hope they go well, I could use the activity.


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