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Monday, March 5, 2012

Porn Law...

Los Angeles has finally made a law requiring all actors in adult films to use condoms.   While I applaud this effort, why the hell did it take a new law to get it done?  Weren't there already public health laws available that could've been used?

Besides the legality of the issue, why would an actor be involved in this business without condoms?  I don't care that they have regular testing.  All that is going to do is let them know that they're + earlier not prevent HIV transmission.  While early diagnosis is great, it's not the same as remaining HIV-free.

Now the porn industry is suggesting that they might just film their wares elsewhere to avoid the statute.  This could cause a significant loss of revenue for the area.  More importantly, this will let the numbers of adult-film actors with HIV continue to grow.  Sex without a condom is Russian roulette, professional sex with a condom is a death wish with a guarantee.

I am happy this law has come into play.  This isn't infringing on someone's sex life, this is a business.  This isn't trampling over someone's right to free expression, it's protecting people's health. Hopefully this law will have a serious impact on the issue.


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