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Friday, March 23, 2012

Out Of Date...

Today's post is about expiration dates or things around being out of date.   This happens more often than you think.  Some of it's faddish, like what's the popular diet at the moment.  Some of it's revisited research.  In my lifetime I've heard countless things that some researchers claimed to cause cancer, only later to have some other study partially or entirely debunk the report.  We know things we need to watch out for:

  • Expired driver's licences
  • Past best-by-date food
  • Expired meds
  • Obsolete technology
  • Antiquated research
This article drove the point home.   Many of us are driving modern cars the way we taught to drive before  today's safety devices were implemented.  Guess what?  We're driving wrong.  Who'd a thunk it?  We have to stay on top of things in our lives.  This goes for driving, what's in our medicine cabinets & fridges, but also for the information we have on HIV.  Things change quickly in this world.  Make sure the info you have on your condition & regimen are up to date.


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