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Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Not So Good...

No articles today, just me, my meds & my mystery.  After feeling poorly for the last couple of days, I got curious & took another look at my meds.  I wasn't suspicious of my HIV meds, but of my allergy meds.

I had been feeling fatigued for no reason.  I looked up & the main ingredient of Claritin is Loratadine.    I used the Drug Interaction Checker & noticed that the antihistamine did interact with Norvir & Invirase.  It was a moderate interaction so I called my pharmacist.  Who quickly dismissed m worries & the web site.  I'm not completely sold on his lack of concern.  So, I picked up a new allergy med.

The problem here is layered.  I am + & HIV can leave you feeling like hell even on meds.  We just sprung forward with the time change & I was robbed of an hours sleep.  I am still adjusting to the time change & we are having ridiculously high allergen levels.  Which one was it?  The meds, an interaction, the allergies, me being tired, nerves, something else entirely or all the above?

I'll try Allegra for a bit, if it I don't feel any better, I'll switch back to Claritin, it's cheaper.  I feel better today, but I'm still not sure what hit me yesterday.  The problem is that these incidents aren't uncommon when you're on a lot of meds. You have to stay on top of the matter & be as educated as possible.   I'll just have to see how this plays out.


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