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Sunday, March 18, 2012

$, $, $ Not So Funny...

This isn't going to be a long post.  Recently I've covered articles concerning budgets & financial crisis in other countries.  I want to make sure we understand that this isn't just about other places in the world, but in the USA, as well.

This article reports on the struggling conditions of an HIV/AIDS outreach program in New Hampshire  A New England state struggling to keep the doors open in such a place. The Southern New Hampshire HIV/AIDS Task Force is losing a position in it's staff & the ability to provide free HIV testing.  This isn't even one of the states with the worst economies.  

The financial hardships are hurting everyone & every charitable agency.  $65,000 is what this task force needs to maintain the position they're losing & continue free testing, but they can't raise the extra $.  With federal funds being cut each year, it's not certain how long this agency will be able to continue to offer assistance.  It isn't the only agency of it's kind in the USA suffering the same problems. 

If we don't stay on top of this, we risk losing much of the headway we've made in the fight against HIV.


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