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Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Shattered Children...

This is a rough article.  It talks about  child abuse, sexual & physical, as predictors for HIV.  Duke University did a two-year study in the southeast USA & found that childhood abuse correlated to lessened health expectations later in life.  Half of these patients had been victims of or confronted by physical abuse.  25% of them had been sexually abused.

The psychological  impact of these events leaves these people with less self esteem & a higher aptitude for risky behaviors.  This affects their decision making when it comes to engaging in unprotected sex & seeking out medical attention.  The people in this study who had experienced this background were less apt to stick to their regimens, more apt to see their situation worsen & even had a higher rate of death.

These people suffer from PTSD, depression & a host of other mental/emotional problems.  They often don't see themselves as worthy of the effort to get treatment.  They see themselves differently than those who have never endured abuse.  Many self-medicate with drugs, alcohol or risk-based behaviors.  

These battered children often become broken adults incapable of coping with life in a manner that won't inflict further harm on their person/psyche.  Even if they have recovered physically from the abuse, the memories, anger, loneliness, pain & feelings of being unworthy remain.  Abuse shapes a child for the rest of it's life.  This is a horrifying, but not surprising, discovery.


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