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Friday, March 30, 2012

Spring Cleaning...

There are no articles today, just common sense.  One of the best ways to stay healthy is to keep your home clean.  It' Springtime & the cleaning mode is in high gear.  We're sorting & resorting, organizing, cleaning & letting go of a lot of junk.  It sounds easy enough, but let me tell you, that is not the case.

Each bookcase & shelf was covered in hundreds of books, gadgets, trinkets & other little doodads.  Every single one of those things was encased in a layer of dust & cat fur.  Let the sneezing & eye-watering begin.  The process has not been quick & the rags are dirty & the vacuum full, but it's out of the house.

We've also found doubles of half the stuff we've recently purchased,  because the originals got buried in the mess.  I've mentioned before hoarding & hoarders creep me out, so this was more than a little distressing.  Oh well, it's getting fixed.

When it comes to keeping  your house healthy & vermin free (fleas), cleanliness is your best weapon.  All that dust held allergens.  All those nooks were places fleas could hide.  That dust held odors.  These are just a few reasons to get into spring cleaning.

Let the cleaning begin...


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