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Saturday, March 24, 2012


I'm doing my best to keep this blog out the political fray.  However, this article makes that difficult to do so.  The article describes the impact healthcare & the lack of of it has on people living with HIV in the USA.  Simply put, with healthcare they live & without it they die.

Only 17% of people living with HIV have private insurance as compared to the 67% of the rest of the population.  This is because insurance agencies are dropping them, refusing to cover them or their inability to work.    Some have Medicaid or Medicare, but many don't.  Without something like the affordable healthcare program being looked at in the Supreme Court, the likelihood is that many of these people will die unnecessarily.  

The evidence that programs like this work can be seen in Massachusetts. It doesn't seem to be the numbers that are making people argue, for many it doesn't even seem like the healthcare that are making them argue.  It seems like they are fearful of some idea this act will turn the nation into a Socialist State.  Wake up, people, if you're a corporation or excessively wealthy individual, it already is. Whatever your take on this matter, the results are clear.  Available, affordable healthcare means more people live.  


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