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Monday, October 12, 2020



I'm not good with seasonal change.  We never seem to smoothly transition between them any more.  Instead of casually sliding down from Summer to Fall, there are plummets, storms, temperature surges, allergen waves, weird light levels... Each of these randomly occurring for a couple of months.

We'd been cooler the last couple of weeks.  The windows were closed & the fans were off.  But, the last few days were in the 80s, almost 90s.  It was, open the windows & on with the fans.  It's a return of the bugs, grass & pollen.

It'd be nice it if we could gracefully glide into Winter & not plummet like a graceless child on ice.  These abrupt changes are hard on me.  I'd like to feel decent part of this year.  It'd be really nice, thank you very much.

That's enough complaining for now, take care.


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