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Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Pointer Lights & Shinies...


The fight against HIV is decades old & showing it's age.  It's not the 1st time interest in HIV has faltered.  As it became more of a chronic illness instead of a life sentence, people wandered off.  They were interested in the effort when they thought they were saving lives.  But, it seems if they were bored by the idea of just helping the cause.

Interest in HIV is waning again.  This article is about that loss of interest & the competition of shiny new  things.   Things like green matters, BLM, etc.. are sparkly things dangling in front of these people & they'd rather chase those than boring old HIV.

Even when interest is high, HIV spreads. However, when focus plummets HIV can rage like a wildfire.  Why does everything have to blaze to catch people's attention?   We're a world of easily distracted, childlike adults.  People whose focus is captured by something else simply by being told to look over there. No wonder we love magicians.

Short term efforts & weekend warriors can help.  But, the long haul of fighting HIV, COVID, rights violations, etc..., takes dedication & maturity. Too bad those things seem to be in short supply.


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