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Sunday, October 25, 2020

More 2020 Drear...


Another yucky morning & still no articles.  There are some unfortunate insights that can be gained from this 2020 nightmare.   Many are showing more honest versions of themselves.  We're seeing those who are stepping up, helping, pushing to be creative, remaining considerate...  Then there are the others.

Many are showing how inconsiderate, angry, fearful & hateful they are.  They refuse to wear masks, they endangers lives & businesses, they confront & accuse.  People have been attacked vocally, physically & emotionally simply for trying to protect themselves from COVID.   

During this time, we've also seen people's truest selves peek through into everyday life.   Sides are being chosen; good, bad & hide til it's over.  The bad are going to blame stress & the times when this is all over.  BS, everyone was under that same stress.  Everyone faced COVID, isolation, election insanity, grocery outages, etc...  Some chose to maintain civility, while others did not.

In the end, how people are treating you now, is probably the most honest version of them you're ever going to get.   They may be tired, scared, stressed, etc... but this is them.  Some people are being creative, some helpful, some raging, some attacking, some hiding, some demanding, some manipulating... 

Whatever they're showing you, trust the honesty of their behavior & don't forget it.  Most of us are  in the same boat, no one gets excuses during this ride.  So stop rocking the damned boat already.


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