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Friday, October 23, 2020

Going Down...


It's been in the 80's for the last few days.  That's over & the 70's may be gone as well.  It's cooling down & storms are predicted for the next week.  I know we  need rain, but can't it just rain?  Why does it always have to be storms these days?  

I woke to grey skies, but the warmest it'll be all day.  It's going to get cooler.  It'll probably be blustery & grey all day,  Joy.  

I don't enjoy Fall.  It was always the dreaded return to school.  Then there were the promises of Halloween & the holidays.  Those holidays rarely lived up to the hype or the stress they brought.  Fall is wet, cold & grey.  Nothing for me to like.

We have to go shopping, so this is it for now.  Take care.


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