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Sunday, October 18, 2020

No More...


So many people are pushing & demanding lately. I don't get it.  Thanks to COVID, the economy, the election, etc... most people are over it.  They're out spoons, energy, cares, etc...  They have no F's left to give & the next demand, annoyance, hardship may be the last straw.

I've been expecting a lot more people to snap lately.   The social veneer is close to cracking & letting it all crash into mayhem.   We've seen a little with the BLM groups.  There have been other rights groups in the mix as well.  But extremes on the end of both political extremes keep pushing.  I think they want things to utterly disintegrate.

This isn't how they'll get their way.  They may gain some ground.  But anything garnered this way will only be lost later. There are insane rage monsters on both ends & an exhausted middleground. Maybe the middle should take aim at the ends & cut them loose.

Hopefully things will calm down before this escalates too far.  Take care.


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