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Monday, October 5, 2020

1st October Monday...


It's the 1st October Monday.  We've already handled most the bills. We'll finish when we go out shopping.  We had a low COVID day yesterday, it was only the 500s, not the 1,000s+.  I don't trust it.  Our weekend numbers have been low only to have Tuesday's shoot back up. 

I blame this on the "I gotta be me crowd".  Those people who had to go to parties, take their entire family to the store, go to ball games, attend rallies, go to protests, riot, etc...  Sure they spread the virus, but they got to do them.  Asshats.

These are the same people who wouldn't wear condoms to stop HIV.  Now, they won't wash their hands, wear mask or keep a reasonable distance.  I wouldn't care if they just fell over.  But no, they keep going & infect others, damn corona zombies.  The zombie asshole rule definitely applies here.  Long live ZAR.


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