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Sunday, October 11, 2020

Fog Fading...


I woke to a foggy morning, but now the sun is burning it off.   I'd like to think that was a sign for my life & maybe things will start clearing up.  Maybe, but I've never been good with belief things.  Myself, my roomie, my state & just about everyone needs things to start clearing up so we can get our lives back. 

There are a great many people & things doing their utmost to keep life in disarray.   Like they need people scrambling & off balanced.    There's no reason for that to be needed unless you're up to no good.  To all the people on both sides of the fence, stop fussing, fighting, protesting, rallying, etc...   Go home, be safe, wear masks, wash your hands, be sensible & lets try to move on from this COVID mess.

Take care, be decent to everyone.


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