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Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Risky Vaccine...


Any new medication can have risks, unknown factors the research hadn't had the time to pin down.  The same is true of vaccines.  If & when a vaccine is made for COVID, it may have many risks & issues.  It may take 2+ applications.  It will probably need to annual  booster like a flu shot.  There are no guarantees in these things.

This article talks about how some upcoming COVID vaccines may actually increase the risk of contracting HIV.  The vaccine shares some of the components of an attempted HIV vaccination.   Researchers still don't completely understand it, but this vaccine actually put people at a higher risk of contracting the virus.  

Many questions need to be answered & precautions taken.  If this is the route the COVID vaccine has to go, I hope people  remember they still have condoms.  In the end, condoms aren't altered by medications.


PS - Apple TV sequestered all of Peanuts to their streaming service.  I'll never buy an Apple product. Asshats.  No Great Pumpkin on TV this year.

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