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Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Distance Problem...


A problem for me regarding my HIV treatment has always been distance.  I've use telemedicine, but it's not the same.  Still, it beats a 2 hour drive for me just to sit in a waiting room for 15 minutes, then see a resident for 5 just to get lab results.  It's not worth the effort.  

HIV shouldn't be treated like a rare, tropical illness.  Loads of people are dealing with, it's a billion dollar industry & we've been actively facing it for almost 4 decades.   Why am I still going to a specialty clinic?

Why aren't at least the more common, socially communicable diseases being brought together in place?  HIV, STI's, Hepatitis, TB,... most are things I'm regularly tested for.  If I'm getting tested for them why aren't they being actively treated in more general locations, instead of being relegated to specialists, hours away?  

If these illnesses were treated like other ailments & physicians were expected to have at least a passing knowledge of them, then we might make a dent in their progress.   These diseases are common in many areas now.  It's no longer makes since to act like they're isolated events.  Normalize these illnesses.  Treat them like any other ailment.  Then we might see them diminish.


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