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Friday, November 10, 2017

Why I Don't...

If you read articles over HIV & then look at my blog, you may wonder why I don't discuss some of the innovations mentioned on various sites.    You might not, but if you do, the answer is simple.  I believe most reports dealing with alleged new treatments, techniques, vaccines, "cures", meds are too early on in development.  Most of them are barely into full research mode.  Someone has an idea that might work.  Often it's a "This worked on this illness, it might work on HIV," sort of thing.    

IMO, medical research shouldn't be presented to the public until the inquiry is well underway & starting to show results.  This type of research shouldn't be offered to the lay public until the research has been shown to have merit that is applicable to the matter.  It's allowable to talk about research that didn't reach fruition or the results expected.  Those cases help other researchers in their goals with HIV.   Most people don't need to know about maybe's concerning HIV.  They need to know about the certainties that could impact their life & well being.   The rest of it just gets people's hope  up & most often fails to thrive.

That's why I don't write about all the "new" research I read about.  It's still too theoretical & no where near being available for the public.  If there ever is an actual cure available for HIV, you won't have to search articles for it.  It'll blasted on every news outlet.


PS - My foot is starting to feel a little better.

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