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Thursday, November 30, 2017

No More November 2017...

There's  a little over 12 hours left in November.   Thanksgiving is done & Solstice is on its way.   I'm ready for 2017 to be a done deal.  2016 was sucky, but most of it was external to me.  Except for the whole gas pipes & refrigerator fiasco.  

But 2017 sucked from the onset.   I don't think most people noticed how quickly it got awful.  My roomie has been in a funk most of the year.  She usually points out the passing of Rhiannon in February, but it was there before.  Everything this year has pretty much been awful.  We haven't done much of anything we normally do.  If we did, for some reason it never really went well. 

I'm tired, actually I'm beyond that.   I've trying to deal with a level of exhaustion all year.  It just keeps getting worse.  If 2018 can't be any better, then I'd rather just not take part.  I don't have it left in me to stay this stressed, detached & burned out.  Up til now I had my roomie to talk to more, but she's been really out of it all year.  The only cat left is Tinkerbell & she's not really all that involved with people.   Half the people I used to chat with have gone offline to avoid all the hate & anger.  

I need some change & I'm out of ideas.  We watched Rudolph the other night.  Right now I'm far more Dolly For Sue than Clarice the Reindeer.

Good bye November,  I wish I had better thing to say, but I just don't.


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