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Monday, November 20, 2017


3 days until Thanksgiving

35 days until Christmas

41 days left in 2017

During that time, there will be some doctor appointments for us.  A birthday will come & go.  We'll probably see a movie.  

I'm ready for 2017 to be out the door.  I really hope next year will be better.  These last 2 have been pretty awful for us.   Me & mine could use a good year.  It's been a while.

So, whoop it up.  The holidays are near.  Turkey will be eaten.  Linus will soon tell Charlie Brown the meaning of Christmas.   Rudolph & Hermey will be independent together.  Lights will be hung.  Drinks at midnight will occur.  Then 2017 will be a ghost.

Let's get a move on.


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