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Tuesday, November 14, 2017


I see articles about having pets helping those living with chronic illnesses, like HIV, live longer.   I get it, I do.  Pets are great distractions.  When the world is overwhelming or you're just to ill to move, a pet can be an immense comfort.   Both times, I've been seriously ill, I've had "sick" cats around me.  Those are cats that really try to comfort you while you're down.  Unfortunately, both of them passed not too long after I started getting better.  Tinkerbell, a Siamese, is wonderfully amusing & attention grabbing, but she's not really a "sick" cat.  I'm not sure what I'll do the next time I get seriously ill.  

Even though our cats have been amazing parts of our lives.  They also bring some hardships.  Ever cat has it's issues, health & otherwise.   Rhiannon, could & did break just about everything.  Fluffy was more than a little dumb.   Rowan was bossy.   Each of the five, previous house cats that graced out lives were distinct, but they all came to a painful end for us.

Tinkerbell is here, she's 10 or 11.  She was an outdoor cat for years, so she may not live as long as the others.   I'm not sure how to be in a house without cats.   But, I'm worried that something could change & I'd wind up in a situation where I couldn't take care of a cat.   That would devastate me.   Besides my roomie, I don't have anyone who could be there for a cat.  As much as I hate the idea of not having a cat, I won't put myself or a cat in the position of me having to make desperate choices.

Pets are great.  But they also bring stress & expense.  I'd love to know someone would be there for my cats if something happened to me.  If that were the case, I'd have a houseful.  But, it's not.  I have to realistic about this.  There will come a day when I have no cat in my home.  I hate that idea.

Enjoy your furry companions while you can.  Pets may be the truest form of love a person can ever know.  So, play, cuddle, love & be silly with them.  They don't last forever.


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