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Saturday, November 4, 2017

Easier Now Than Then...

I often write about the downside of HIV.  I know there isn't a lot of good to discuss.  But, there is about the treatment.

Over the past few months, there have been articles about how single-pill regimens are not only common, but are becoming the norm.  My earliest regimens ranged from 20 - 25 pills a day.  Most of which, were horse pills. Later that dropped down to about a dozen.  Now, I take 1 pill for HIV.  It's a monster of a pill, but it's just a single dose daily.  It's an improvement.  It's weird after years of multiple pill regimens.

A single pill is far less daunting than a huge number for for new patients.  The idea of that many meds can be overwhelming.   Single pill regimens, even a few pill regimens are huge steps forward in the treatment of HIV.


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