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Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Mopey Weather...

I woke up well yesterday.   Actually, I was up early for me.  Light poured through my windows.  By the time we left to go shopping everything changed.  We'd gone from bright to hazy.   It was nearly foggy, but opted to mist instead.  The gray skies lightly spritzed all day.  We had under a .10" of rain, but it piddled all day & throughout the night.

I woke to a cold, dreary mess.  It was over an hour later than the morning before.  I'd had the overhead light for  quite a while & still get myself motivated enough to get out of bed.  

For now the mists have stopped, but the skies are still overcast.  There won't be any bright sunshine today.   The yuck is here for the duration.

I hate this kind of weather.  It saps my energy.  I'm always cold, stiff & achy.  I wasn't built for dreary weather.  I know Summer gets hot, but at least it's usually bright.  I find nothing appealing in late, Fall weather.  It's just a cold, dark, damp mess of crud.

Stay comfortable.


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