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Sunday, November 19, 2017


My roomie brought turkey from her family's early Thanksgiving Dinner.   It was nice.  We'd planned on not making any this year., it's a lot for 2 people to get through.  The holiday season may be here.  It looks like another year when it just won't quite feel like it. I think it's due to commercialism.  

This isn't some Charlie Brown angst.  It's that retailers talk about the holidays over half the year.   From late September through January, its Christmas, then Easter, then Memorial Day & then Christmas in July.   Retail keeps plugging holidays all year & we never get to come down.  We're  overwhelmed & desensitized.  Now, Christmas is just another sale & nothing special.

The only time it feels like the holidays is when I'm watching TV specials like Charlie Brown & Rudolph.   What's to look forward to, if the holidays never really end.  There's little anticipation, so how can there be any amazement or joy?

For now, my holidays come in 30 minute holiday blocks & a few songs I enjoy.   Thanks retailers.  May your Black Fridays be bleak.


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