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Thursday, November 16, 2017

Not Easy...

I'm having a hard time finding things to write about.    Good articles are scarce.  My life is the same old, same old.   My time is mostly just moments ticking into moments.  Nothing much in between.  

The holidays aren't getting me down like they used to.  It's hard to tell it's a week until Thanksgiving & not long off to Christmas.  I guess that's because the holiday season isn't like what it was when I was a kid.  Now, there's just cheap, hollowed out versions of the things I was fond of as a child.   People threw out the spirit & only kept what they could sell.  Blinking lights on houses aren't for celebration now, they're just supporting the facade of success.  Nostalgia can be very disappointing.

I guess that's enough depressing talk for the moment.  Take care.


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