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Saturday, November 11, 2017

Drear, HIV & Health...

I've talked before about how dreary weather affects me.  If you Google Seasonal Affective Disorder & HIV, you'll get a ton of results.  Even with as bad as mine has been, it's nothing compared to some of what of I've read people enduring.  For many extreme depression is common.  They dive headlong into extended sleep patterns, over-indulging in just about everything, having mood issues, pains, aches, etc....

For me, it's mostly having a lot of aches & chills.  I stay cold & tired.  It gets hard to focus.  Things like this impact your health.  I'm good about my regimen, but others report having difficulty maintaining their regimens during the grey seasons.  

If your mood alters from late Summer to Early Spring, you should consider the idea you might be dealing with a seasonal disorder.   It doesn't matter where you live, it's about the change in light & weather patterns.  It can seriously alter your life.  Remember having a chronic illness of any kind amplifies the effects of other issues.  You're already worn down.

For me, added light helps.  It isn't 100%, not near, but it's what I can do.  It helps to have bright lights on to chase away the shadows.  Night time isn't as back.   Then it's dark, not dreary.

I have grown to hate Fall.


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