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Monday, August 1, 2016

Rural Virus Explosion...

I've posted about the problems with HIV in rural USA.  This article is just 1 of those I've been seeing lately reiterating the imminent  risk of a massive uptick in HIV in rural areas across the nation.  The reasons are usually the same.

The CDC determined a county’s vulnerability with a sobering recipe: high rates of drug overdose deaths and prescription opioid sales, a high white population, astounding rates of hepatitis C and searing poverty.

The CDC has noted at least 220 counties are at considerable risk of rapid expansion of HIV infections.   Combine the factors above with easily accessible street drugs, lack of needle share programs & little to help addicts & it isn't if a massive surge in HIV numbers will occur, but when.

Not only are these areas exceeding hard hit economically.  But they have a tendency to be the most conservative.  Thus lacking many of the social programs that might have aided them like; AIDS awareness, Sex Ed, HIV testing areas, needle exchanges, etc...   Also, until now, most monies being spent on prevention, education, testing & treatment have been focused on urban areas.  Leaving the rural zones mostly unattended.


PS:  Until next year July, you got hot.

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