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Thursday, August 25, 2016

Behavior Mod...

There have been a lot of conversations about why certain people act the way they do.  Why are some groups more inclined to risky behaviors, violence or indulgence?  We like to address these matters & expect them to be solved by adults.  Often by adults for other adults.   (Since, I'm a man, I'll deal mostly with male things, as not to offend.)  

Some men are violent, so all men should do something about it.  The problem with that type of behavior modification is simple.  It generally doesn't work.  Unless the person in question chooses to change or is somehow forced to, there's little chance of actually altering their behavior.

There's been a lot written on these matters & usually by people citing social science & psychological research.   I won't call these people social scientists, sociologists or psychologist.  If they were, they'd know that adult behavior modification is usually a losing game.  If this wasn't the case, there wouldn't be a gigantic industry devoted to dieting.  Yes, adults can change their behavior, but it is difficult & will generally fail unless said person genuinely desires to change & is willing to work very hard at it.

Bad behavior is systemic in this society.  Our society indulges, excuses & often encourages it.   If behavior modification is to be successful, it usually has to happen during childhood.  It needs to come from parents & other adults in the child's life; neighbors, teachers, coaches, etc...  Even then, you have to account for peer pressure's ability to alter children's behavior.

If we want to train people out of risky, indulgent, unpleasant or even violent behaviors, we have to start with children.  Adults will only change  due to their choice or under duress.  If behavior modification were easy, then any one would be able to simply put down their cigarettes and walk away.  They'd be able to stop their addictive behaviors.  They'd be able to prevent their own self destructive tendencies.  

Education is the key here.  We have to start early & be on the same page.  The problem is, we'll probably never share the same perspective.   We'll keep saying boys will be boys.  Guys are just going to screw around.  Men can't take care of children.  These are some of the things that impact what adults think acceptable behavior should be.


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